🌳Welcome To Maple Class Webpage 🌳

On our page we will be sharing our learning experiences and providing key information to parents.

Our Class Teacher is Miss Williams.

Our Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Kerridge.

Our P.E day is Tuesday. 

Maple's information 


In Maple class,  we are expected to complete the following homework challenges each week:

Reading: 📖

  • Read independently or with an adult 5 times during the week (Friday - Friday).
  • Please click the link below to find a recommended selection of Year 5 books for your child to enjoy. 


Maths: 🧮

  • Complete 10 minutes daily on TTRS  to develop our fluency and application of the all of the times tables.
  • Complete weekly tasks set on Mathletics.



  •   Practise and complete a spelling test (Friday) based on the Year 5 / 6 spelling list. 

Key Website Links:

Autumn Term:


Suggested Reading Books for Year 5


🌳Welcome To Maple Class Webpage 🌳

On our page we will be sharing our learning experiences and providing key information to parents.

Our Class Teacher is Miss Williams.

Our Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Kerridge.

Our P.E day is Tuesday. 

Maple's information 


In Maple class,  we are expected to complete the following homework challenges each week:

Reading: 📖

  • Read independently or with an adult 5 times during the week (Friday - Friday).
  • Please click the link below to find a recommended selection of Year 5 books for your child to enjoy. 


Maths: 🧮

  • Complete 10 minutes daily on TTRS  to develop our fluency and application of the all of the times tables.
  • Complete weekly tasks set on Mathletics.



  •   Practise and complete a spelling test (Friday) based on the Year 5 / 6 spelling list. 

Key Website Links:

Autumn Term:


Suggested Reading Books for Year 5
