Welcome to St Michael's Early Years Settting!


More information to follow shortly

Who are we?

The Early Years is made up of a Nursery class and a Reception class, where children are able to join us from the age of 3. We are in two different rooms called Woodpeckers and Robins.  Our teachers are called Mrs Whipp and Ms Pattenden. The learning support assistants in our unit are Mrs Robertson and Mrs Bell.

Timings of our day:

Nursery (Woodpeckers) – 8.40am-11.50am

Reception (Robins) – 8.40am-3.20pm

Important Information:

Nursery (Woodpeckers):

  • On our P.E Days - we wear red shorts or jogging bottoms in cold weather, house coloured t-shirts, plimsolls/trainers.  The children are to come to school in their PE kits but please make sure that any jewellery, including earrings, is left at home.
  • Outdoor learning – We go out in all weathers so please make sure your child has a pair of wellington boots left in school with their name on and bring a coat every day which is appropriate for the time of year.
  • Library – We visit our school library and the children will choose a book to bring home to share with you. 
  • Uniform – Please put your child’s name in everything you bring to school. This makes it easier to trace mislaid items.

Reception (Robins):

  • On our P.E Days - we wear red shorts or jogging bottoms in cold weather, house coloured t-shirts, plimsolls/trainers.  The children are to come to school in their PE kits but please make sure that any jewellery, including earrings, is left at home.
  • Outdoor learning – We go out in all weathers so please make sure your child has a pair of wellington boots left in school with their name on and bring a coat every day which is appropriate for the time of year.
  • Library – We visit our school library and the children will choose a book to bring home to share with you. 
  • Uniform – Please put your child’s name in everything you bring to school. This makes it easier to trace mislaid items.